Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

11 iulie 2011

Monday Monologues (XXXVII)

If we had enough information, we could predict the consequences of our actions. Would you want to know? If you kissed that girl, if you talked to that man, if you take that job, or marry that woman, or steal that papel? If we knew what would happen in the end, would we ever be able to take the first step, to make the first move? (...) If we are frightened, we run. It's our instinct. Adrenaline pumps round the body. The muscles contract. Our heart beats faster. And we run. We run for our lives, we run for safety, for our home, our families, our loved ones. (Samantha Morton as Maria in Code 46, dir. Michael Winterbottom, 2003)