Marilyn Monroe:
It's not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on.

I worked with Marilyn Monroe. A rather dull person. But when I said "Now!" she lit up. Suddenly, something unbelievable came across. The minute she heard the click of the camera, she was down again. It was over. I said, "What is it between you and the camera that doesn't show at any other time?" She said, "It's like being screwed by a thousand guys and you can't get pregnant."

If an editor wanted her, he had to agree to her terms. She knew how she wanted to be seen, and if her cooperation was sought, she reserved the right of veto.
She knew she was superlative at creating still pictures and she loved doing it.
She had learned the trick of moving infinitesimally to stay in range, so that the photographer need not refocus but could easily follow movements that were endlessly changing.
At first I thought it was surface technique, but it went beyond technique. It didn't always work, and sometimes she would tire and it was as though her radar had failed; but when it did work, it was magic. With her it was never a formula; it was her will, her improvisation.
"I am a failure as a woman. My men expect so much of me because of the image they have made of me and that I have made of myself, as a sex symbol. Men expect so much and I can't live up to it. They expect bells to ring and whistles to whistle, but my anatomy's the same as any other woman's. I can't live up to it."
6 comentarii:
"Goodbye Norma Jean
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
Goodbye Norma Jean
From the young man in the 22nd row
Who sees you as something more than sexual
More than just our Marilyn Monroe"
Elton John loved her too!
Stiu ca suna lame, dar eu inca am agatat pe perete un calendar Marilyn Monroe 2007, deschis la luna decembrie(de aproape doi ani). Si calendarul e la ultima fila nu pentru ca e la sfirsit de an, ci pentru ca fotografia aleasa e cea care mi-a placut cel mai mult(Marilyn trista, privind in jos, intr-un mijloc de transport in comun).
ps1. in celelalte 11 ipostaze Marilyn e vesela sau cel putin zimbeste.
ps2. in ciuda faptului ca "Marylin" e mai in stil cu "uichend", tot am momente de zgiriat pe retina vazind titlul postarii. Probably it's just me.
eu nu găsesc că ar fi "lame" deloc. sorry pentru disconfort, dar titlul e barbarizat cu bună știință, în cheie ludică. altfel spus nu e o opțiune ireductibilă pentru genul acela purist de ortografiere. se recomandă tratarea lui à la légère :)
tocmai vroiam sa dau si eu citate din albumul lui eve arnold, cind - citind mai jos - am vazut k ai facut-o deja ;)
asa k nu-mi ramine decit sa repet ce am mai scris dspr ea: anume, k nu a fost - evident - 'cea mai mare actrita de cinema', dar k a fost - cu siguranta - cea mai mare FOTO-actrita de la inventia fotografiei incoace!
si sa postez aceste cuvinte ale lui truman capote la moartea ei (din vol. de scrisori 'too brief a treat', vintage 2004):
'cannot believe that marilyn m. is dead. she was such a good-hearted girl, so pure really, so much on the side of the angels. poor little baby. GOD BLESS HER.' (subliniat in original)
@als: ai anticipat episodul 2 :)
săptămâna viitoare vor fi citaţi scriitori, regizori şi actori. merci pentru detaliul de "interior". good friends u have :)
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