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Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

07 septembrie 2021

Omar Little (September's Marathon: Day 7)

Aka Michael K. Williams. Gone. In the morning.

Chiar el zicea că rolul gagsta-samuraiului din The Wire, cel mai bun serial tv făcut vreodată, l-a marcat așa de tare încât, la un moment dat, a pierdut contactul cu realitatea. El devenise Omar, el era Omar, personajul ficțional îi luase cu împrumut viața. 

Omar became an alter ego. A gay man who doesn’t like fancy clothes or fancy cars, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t even curse and robs the most gangster drug dealers in the community. He’s an outcast, and I identified with that immensely. Instead of using it as a tool to maybe heal myself, I hid behind that. Nobody was calling Michael in the streets. Everything was Omar, Omar, Omar. I mistook that admiration. It felt good. But it wasn’t for me. It was for a fictional character. When that show ended, along with that character, I was clueless about how to deal with that. I crumbled. (de aici)

Dacă nu ați văzut The Wire nu prea văd cum ați putea bunghi ce zic aici și ce a făcut el acolo, dar asta nu e problema mea. Am postat aici despre dispariția sa, prin excepție de la regula proprie, mai mult pentru mine. Dacă se întâmplă să vă atingă și pe voi, good, așa și trebuie.