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Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

16 martie 2011

The Way Back to... Hanging Rock

My only worry was whether an audience would accept such an outrageous idea [of filming a mystery without a solution]. Personally, I always found it the most satisfying and fascinating aspect of the film. I usually find endings disappointing: they’re totally unnatural. You are creating life on the screen, and life doesn’t have endings. It’s always moving on to something else and there are always unexplained elements.

What I attempted, somewhere towards the middle of the film, was gently to shift emphasis off the mystery element which had been building in the first half and to develop the oppressive atmosphere of something which has no solution: to bring out a tension and claustrophobia in the locations and the relationships. We worked very hard at creating an hallucinatory mesmeric rhythm, so that you lost awareness of facts, you stopped adding things up, and got into this enclosed atmosphere. I did everything in my power to hypnotise the audience away from the possibility of solutions.” (Peter Weir despre Picnic at Hanging Rock, Sight & Sound, 1976)

Pentru mine, ultimul Weir - The Way Back (2010) - e o dezamăgire din mai toate punctele de vedere, inclusiv la nivel de storytelling. Aş zice că e unul din cele mai convenţionale filme făcute vreodată de un regizor iconoclast. Diferenţa faţă de restul producţiilor de gen este dată, evident, de calitatea finisajelor. Însă despre toate acestea, vom vorbi într-o ediţie viitoare!