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This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

13 iunie 2011

Monday Monologues (XXXVI)

He's saying that the past is always with us. And where we come from, what we go through, how we go through it, all that shit matters. I mean, that's what I thought he meant. Like at the end of the book, you know? Boats and tides and all. It's like you can change up, right? You can say you're somebody new, you can give yourself a whole new story but what came first is who you really are and what happened before is what really happened. And it don't matter that some fool say he different 'cause the only thing that can make you different is what you really do or what you really go through. Like, you know, like all them books in his library. Now, he fronting with all them books but if we pull one down off the shelf, ain't none of the pages ever been opened. He got all them books and he ain't read near one of them. Gatsby, he was who he was, and he did what he did and 'cause he wasn't ready to get real with the story and that shit caught up to him. I think, anyway. [Lawrence Gilliard Jr. as D'Angelo "Dee" Barksdale delivering an unorthodox, exhilarating and excruciatingly precise piece of interpretation of an American classic in what it stands as the best TV series ever made: The Wire (season 2, episode 6: All Prologue)]

Just for your information: the man behind The Wire is David Simon. I thought you should know that before we go any further...