Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

19 septembrie 2011

Monday Monologues (XLI)

„As in the midst of battle there is room
         For thoughts of love, and in foul sin for mirth;
         As gossips whisper of a trinket's worth
Spied by the death-bed's flickering candle-gloom;
As in the crevices of Caesar's tomb
         The sweet herbs flourish on a little earth:
         So in this great disaster of our birth
We can be happy, and forget our doom.

For morning, with a ray of tenderest joy
         Gilding the iron heaven, hides the truth,
And evening gently woos us to employ
         Our grief in idle catches. Such is youth;
Till from that summer's trance we wake, to find
Despair before us, vanity behind.” 
(poem de George Santayana, citat şi recitat sub formă de monolog în Road to Nowhere/2010, comeback-ul în lungmetraj al unui regizor cultissim şi inconoclast în anii 60-70, Monte Hellman)