- Art Garfunkel (Cpt. Nately) & Marcel Dalio (Old man in the warehouse) -
Cpt. Nately: Why are we crazy?
Old man in the warehouse: Because you don't know how to stay alive and that's the secret of life.
Cpt. Nately: But we have a war to win.
Old man in the warehouse: But America will lose the war. Italy will win it.
Cpt. Nately: America's the strongest nation on earth. The American fighting man is the best trained, the best equipped, the best fed...
Old man in the warehouse: Exactly. Italy, on the other hand, is one of the weakest nations on earth and the Italian fighting man is hardly equipped at all. That's why my country is doing so well while yours is doing so poorly.
Cpt. Nately: That's just silly. First Italy was occupied by Germans and now by us. You call that doing well?
Old man in the warehouse: Of course I do. The Germans are being driven out and we are still here. In a few years you'll be gone and we'll still be here. Italy is a very poor, weak country, yet that is what makes us so strong, strong enough to survive this war and still be in existence long after your country has been destroyed.
Cpt. Nately: What are you talking about? America's not going to be destroyed.
Old man in the warehouse: Never?
Cpt. Nately: Well...
Old man in the warehouse: Rome was destroyed. Greece was destroyed. Persia was destroyed. Spain was destroyed. All great countries are destroyed. Why not yours? How much longer do you think your country will last? Forever?
Cpt. Nately: Forever is a long time, I guess.
Old man in the warehouse: Very long."
(Unul din sclipitoarele dialoguri din acest film anti-război, complet sărit de pe fix. L-am văzut de vreo 5 ori şi de fiecare dată m-am întrebat cum or fi reuşit să-l facă. Mai exact, cum au primit permisiunea studiourilor de a-l face aşa, totalmente ieşit din tipare. Apocrifele spun că Stanley Kubrick a fost iniţial ofertat să preia regia, lucru care spune destul de multe).
Old man in the warehouse: Because you don't know how to stay alive and that's the secret of life.
Cpt. Nately: But we have a war to win.
Old man in the warehouse: But America will lose the war. Italy will win it.
Cpt. Nately: America's the strongest nation on earth. The American fighting man is the best trained, the best equipped, the best fed...
Old man in the warehouse: Exactly. Italy, on the other hand, is one of the weakest nations on earth and the Italian fighting man is hardly equipped at all. That's why my country is doing so well while yours is doing so poorly.
Cpt. Nately: That's just silly. First Italy was occupied by Germans and now by us. You call that doing well?
Old man in the warehouse: Of course I do. The Germans are being driven out and we are still here. In a few years you'll be gone and we'll still be here. Italy is a very poor, weak country, yet that is what makes us so strong, strong enough to survive this war and still be in existence long after your country has been destroyed.
Cpt. Nately: What are you talking about? America's not going to be destroyed.
Old man in the warehouse: Never?
Cpt. Nately: Well...
Old man in the warehouse: Rome was destroyed. Greece was destroyed. Persia was destroyed. Spain was destroyed. All great countries are destroyed. Why not yours? How much longer do you think your country will last? Forever?
Cpt. Nately: Forever is a long time, I guess.
Old man in the warehouse: Very long."
(Unul din sclipitoarele dialoguri din acest film anti-război, complet sărit de pe fix. L-am văzut de vreo 5 ori şi de fiecare dată m-am întrebat cum or fi reuşit să-l facă. Mai exact, cum au primit permisiunea studiourilor de a-l face aşa, totalmente ieşit din tipare. Apocrifele spun că Stanley Kubrick a fost iniţial ofertat să preia regia, lucru care spune destul de multe).