Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

06 august 2022

Maraton de august / Conte d'été (6)

Dintre toate cele 4 filme din seria Anotimpurilor, Conte d'été îmi pare a fi cel care ilustrează cel mai bine principiul lui Rohmer despre cinemaul pe care-l cultivă (voi folosi versiunea în engleză a citatului): 
„My films are comedies. But the difficulty is knowing what a happy end means in comedy. There is always a touch of bitterness. As Maupassant used to say, «Happiness is no fun». So, yes, there is always a touch of bitterness.”