Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

10 mai 2011


photo: gettyimages

Nu! Nu Monica B. Nici măcar cealaltă Monica B., ci Monica V. Cu V. de la Vitti. Născută Maria Luisa Ceciarelli, lăsată de ai ei singură în Italia şi devenită, sub tutela lui Antonioni, star. Monica Vitti, deci. Fără pereche! Ea, Karina şi Seberg sunt „iubirile” mele din anii '60, ani pe care mi-ar fi plăcut să-i prind! Apropo: nu am prins anii respectivi nici în secolul trecut, nu-i voi prinde nici în secolul ăsta...

Directors at that time didn’t want actors to act, especially actresses. They were expected to be pretty. So they told me to stick to the theater. They said, «Your nose is too thin.» My whole family went away to America to live. They couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t go with them. «Maria Luisa,» they said, «How can you stay alone in Italy?» But I used their absence to become an actress. That’s how I became Monica Vitti. When they came back, my parents had to call me Monica. They had to acknowledge what had happened.” (via Interview magazine)