Funny People review (by Moby)
"last night i went to see 'funny people'. what an odd movie, almost like 2 movies in one. the first 1/2 of the movie is pretty remarkable. very somber, very dark, surprisingly subtle. and then about 1/2 way through it becomes more like a tv show in terms of the quality of the writing, lighting, acting, and plot. very odd. the first 1/2 is pretty amazing, especially, and surprisingly, adam sandler. it's bleak and surprisingly well acted and surprisingly honest. and then someone pushes a button and it becomes fast paced and conventional and bright and, well, normal. were i to see it again i'd probably stop watching after the peanut butter on the floor scene.
i have a feeling that someone might have said, 'you know, a subtle and dark movie just isn't going to find an audience. you need to give people something conventional and familiar to sink their teeth into.'
i kind of hope judd apatow at some point gives his creative instincts free reign and makes a really subtle, dark, unconventional film. and that's my presumptuous friday afternoon film review. plus $6 bottles of water are clearly a harbinger of the apocalypse."
4 comentarii:
in sfarsit ceva frumos despre genialul moby.
mi-ai dat ceva batai de cap cu aceatsa inedita cronica de film a maestrului, in engleza, limba pe care nu o stapanesc chiar atat de bine :))
dar macar va fi o osteneala placuta
textul ăsta e într-o engleză lejeră (cred că doar două sau trei cuvinte sunt mai puțin uzuale), de-aia nu am tradus. eu cred că o să te descurci ;)
îmi dai de înțeles, pe de altă parte, că până acuma l-am vorbit de rău pe omulețul ăsta. nu-mi amintesc să fi făcut asta!
stii bine ca imi place sa exagerez. ca si in cazul englezei, de altfel :)
@pantacruel: "atunci bine" :)))
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