Am scris din când în când despre activităţile extracurriculare ale unor actori faţă de care am suflu la inimă, context în care mă văd obligat să vă spun că una din slăbiciunile mele, Kim Basinger, are câteva astfel de abateri de la rutină. De neuitat în ce mă privește e acea apariţie fulgurant-iconică din clipul piesei Mary Jane's Last Dance de Tom Petty care valorează cât toate rolurile de femeie fatală făcute în filme submediocre. Tot ce i s-a cerut aici a fost să fie mortal de frumoasă. Şi a fost!
Says Wiki: The music video, which won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video in 1994, features Petty as a morgue assistant who takes home the corpse of a woman for a dinner date. A scene in the video featuring the corpse wearing a wedding dress in a room full of wax candles is loosely based on a passage from the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations. Later, Petty is shown carrying her to a rocky shore and gently releasing her into the sea. At the end of the video, Basinger is seen floating in the water with her eyes open.
Says Wiki: The music video, which won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video in 1994, features Petty as a morgue assistant who takes home the corpse of a woman for a dinner date. A scene in the video featuring the corpse wearing a wedding dress in a room full of wax candles is loosely based on a passage from the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations. Later, Petty is shown carrying her to a rocky shore and gently releasing her into the sea. At the end of the video, Basinger is seen floating in the water with her eyes open.