Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

06 februarie 2014


Adică una dintre acele idei creţe demne de Spike Jonze! O spun sau o repet mai ales pentru cei care se aşteptau ori îşi doreau ca filmul ăsta să fie un foc de artificii din toate punctele de vedere, o spectaculoasă dinamitare a convenţionalului sau un ecorşeu SF de tip cronenbergian.

[Samantha]: Okay, so this might be a really weird thought... What if you could erase from your mind that you've seen a human body, that you ever saw one? Imagine how strange it could be, really weird, gangly, awkward organism, and you think: why are all these parts where they are? (...) I'm just saying, for example, what if your butt hole were in your armpit? 
[Theodore] I'm trying to imagine what toilets would look like...
[Samantha] Yeah, and what about anal sex, how it would look like? (...) Look at this draw I've just made for you!