Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

05 iunie 2010

Respectfully yours, Clint Eastwood

În 1954, aveam 21 de ani în minus. Eastwood avea deja 24 peste ce aveam eu la pasiv şi bătea la porţile afirmării, trimiţând scrisori de intenţie ca orice aspirant de rând. Epistola de faţă a fost expediată lui Billy Wilder, care căuta titular pentru rolul lui Charles Lindbergh în The Spirit of Saint Louis (1957). Eastwood nici măcar nu debutase la acea vreme, aşa că s-a gândit să exploateze ocazia ivită, mai ales că-i fusese prezentat regizorului. A luat plaivazul şi s-a pus pe scris. Textul din facsimil e transcris mai jos (decent şi politicos, tânărul Clint, deşi ar fi putut fi obsecvios), deznodământul e acesta: rolul l-a primit James Stewart, iar Eastwood avea să mai aştepte un an până să bifeze prima sa apariţie pe ecran (imdb zice uncredited), în Revenge of the Creature. Privindu-i cariera peste timp, titlul i se va potrivi la fix.

Tuesday, October 26, 1954

Dear Mr. Wilder,

Thank you for taking your time to see me last Tuesday when Mr. Arthur Lubin was kind enough to introduce us on your set. Mr. Solly Baiano of Warner Brothers seemed quite enthusiastic about my possibilities for the Lindbergh role, when he met me here at Universal where I am under contract.

I was concerned when you mentioned to Mr. Lubin that you would like to see a test. The only one Universal has made was one of those difficult interviews in which I felt I was not very good, even though I was given a contract on the strength of it. When the time comes for casting, I would appreciate so much your letting me talk with you rather than seeing this test, for I have improved in every way since that time. I feel the qualities you might be seeking can better be found in a personal interview.

Again, may I thank you and trust I did not take too much of your time. I now look forward to our next meeting.

Respectfully yours,

Clint Eastwood

4020 Arch Drive
North Hollywood