„Truth is, I thought it mattered. I thought that music mattered.
(...) I'll tell you something else you might not know, as well. A fortnight ago, this band's pit were closed - another thousand men lost their jobs. And that's not all they lost. Most of them lost the will to win a while ago. A few of them even lost the will to fight. But when it comes to losing the will to live, to breathe, the point is - if this lot were seals or whales, you'd all be up in bloody arms. But their not, are they, no, no they're not. They're just ordinary common-or-garden honest, decent human beings. And not one of them with an ounce of bloody hope left. Oh aye, they can knock out a bloody good tune. But what the fuck does that matter?" (
Pete Postlethwaite/
Danny în
Brassed Off,
Mark Herman/1996)
Sunt sigur că unii dintre voi, mă refer la cei cu ureche cinefil-muzicală, sunt familiarizați cu pasajul acesta (
Truth is, I thought it mattered. I thought that music mattered. But does it bollocks. Not compared to how people matter) și din...
Tubthumping, megahitul trupei