Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

11 iunie 2012

Monday Monologues (LXV)

Come on, old-timer. You gonna join us, my friend? Come on! «I don't wait for old people, I don't wait for old people». (laughing) Here we go. Let's see another seven. Eight, easy. Bet it back hard. Okay, I'm gonna light a cigarette now, old-timer. See, I like you, so I'm gonna let you have this time... to place your bet before I finish lighting this cigarette. Then I'm just gonna roll, and fuck you. You're laughing? I just said "fuck you" to the man. Jesus Christ! The way you look, I think you know what I'm saying, old-timer. I think you do. Jesus Christ, why don't you have some fun? Fun! All right. Shack-a-lack-a do… Shack-a-lack-a do be do be do... Got a little bit more there. Shack-a-lack-a do, baby… Coming in there, baby. I'm gonna light the cigarette. What are you gonna do, old-timer? (…) What the fuck? Oh, man. You play that game, don't you? Oh, shit! You're big time. You are big time! Oh! Hard eight. Okay, here we go. All right, this is for you, Big Time. I'm not even looking. Here we go! That's a hard six, old-timer! That's not bad for me, is it, sister? Is it, Sister Sledge? Here we go. It's me and you. You know what I'm saying? Fuck it. A hundred. Hard eight. Me and you, Big Time. Me and you. You can buy yourself another suit with this roll. Forty-four. Fucking 44, Big Time. Two thousand. Two thousand. Hundred. Hundred… Fuck! (Philip Seymour Hoffman as Young Craps Player in Hard Eight aka Sydney, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson/1996)