As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.
'Cause I've been blasting and laughing so long
That even my momma thinks that my mind has gone.
I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.
'Cause I've been blasting and laughing so long
That even my momma thinks that my mind has gone.
Nu se aude nimic. De ce nu cântați? Hai să mai încercăm o dată...
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
Nu merge nici acum.
I guess you can't,
I guess you won't,
I guess you front,
That's why I know this post is out of luck, foo!

Pastime Paradise: the song (total classic)
Gangsta's Paradise: the video (Pfeiffer kind of porn)
Dangerous Minds opened 15 years ago, today, 11 august.