When you look to all of his films, even though they all have one thing in common, for me, anyway the craft is impeccable. Every film he's ever nade... the craft is impeccable: the lighting, the dolly shots, the crane moves, the zoom-ins on Barry Lyndon, the framing, the lighting, the hot windows as backlight. There's the exact compositions! You had to hit your mark precisely to please Stanley so he'd get the painting he was putting on canvas for you to appreciate. His choice of lenses, his Steadicam work in latter year films. Impeccable! The best in history! Nobody could shoot a movie better than Stanley Kubrick, in history! That was impeccable, but the way he told stories was sometimes antithetical to the way we're accustomed to receiving stories. And I think sometimes Stanley just did that to be different and he had a very specific way of telling a story. He didn't want to show off: "I'm so different than you", but he said: "Why does every story have to be told the same way?"
The last couple of years of his life, he kept saying when we were talking about the form: "I want to change the form, I want to make a movie that changes the form". And I said: "Didn't you do that with 2001?" He said: "Just a little bit, but not enough". So he kept looking for different ways to tell stories.
I think the first thing that makes Stanley Kubrick so special was he was a chameleon. He never made the same picture twice. Every single picture is a different genre, a different period, a different story, a different risk. The only thing that bonded all of his films was the incredible virtuoso that he was with craft and with editing, performance, camera placement and composition. But every single story was different. And every single story somehow was so mysterious in the way the story was told, it kept you guessing: "How's this gonna turn out? What's gonna happen next? I can't even imagine...". And all his films are so filled with hairpin turns and story surprises and character surprises that you must see his films more than once because you yearn for those same surprises. And Stanley's genius is that you could look at a movie of his 15 times and though you know what's around the corner you'll still give it up and you'll be surprised all over again. I don't know anybody else who possesses that kind of magic.
(transcriere efectuată de subsemnatul după unul din materialele-bonus incluse pe DVD-ul aferent filmului Eyes Wide Shut)
The last couple of years of his life, he kept saying when we were talking about the form: "I want to change the form, I want to make a movie that changes the form". And I said: "Didn't you do that with 2001?" He said: "Just a little bit, but not enough". So he kept looking for different ways to tell stories.
I think the first thing that makes Stanley Kubrick so special was he was a chameleon. He never made the same picture twice. Every single picture is a different genre, a different period, a different story, a different risk. The only thing that bonded all of his films was the incredible virtuoso that he was with craft and with editing, performance, camera placement and composition. But every single story was different. And every single story somehow was so mysterious in the way the story was told, it kept you guessing: "How's this gonna turn out? What's gonna happen next? I can't even imagine...". And all his films are so filled with hairpin turns and story surprises and character surprises that you must see his films more than once because you yearn for those same surprises. And Stanley's genius is that you could look at a movie of his 15 times and though you know what's around the corner you'll still give it up and you'll be surprised all over again. I don't know anybody else who possesses that kind of magic.
(transcriere efectuată de subsemnatul după unul din materialele-bonus incluse pe DVD-ul aferent filmului Eyes Wide Shut)
3 comentarii:
in primul rind, vreau sa zic ca kubrikul tinar de mai jos seamana izbitor cu gorzoul nostru batrin.
in al doliea rind, nu mai stiu ce am vrut pt ca sa spun, dar voi reveni :)
pe mine nu m-a izbit asemanarea asta, dar ea se cam sustine! ce m-a izbit pe mine a fost ca am lasat comentariile deschise fara sa-mi dau seama. n-o sa le mai inchid taman acuma, cel putin nu pentru acest post, asa ca te astept sa revii ;)
scuze mister,
promisesem ca revin si am uitat... :P
deci, fiind vorba de kubrick,
stiu ca orice as spune ar fi prea putin. as spune totusi, patriotic si plin de zel, kubrick forever! adica as vedea kubrick pina as muri si tot nu m-as plictisi. ca nu prea ai cum, nu de alta :)
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