Hello, strangers!

Hello, stranger...

This is a private (from time to time) blog for my cinematic obsessions and scintillating (one-sided) reflections about movies. Feel yourself at home!

13 septembrie 2010

Monday Monologues (XV)

First of all, a progressive warm-up in four crucial steps:

1. Tell me something. Those tho girls at the party last night, did you, by any chance, happen to...

2. So, because I'm a beautiful woman the only reason any man ever wants to talk to me...

3. So when you're feeling tits, it's nothing more than your professionalism? Is that what you're saying? (...)

Now, when she is having her little titties squeezed, do you think she ever has fantasies about what handsome Dr. Bill's dickie might be like, huh?

Men have to stick it every place they can, but for women, for women it's just about security and commitment and whatever the fuck else.

And now the full monologue that easily could be labelled as one of the greatest moments in screen bitchery ever:

Do you remember last summer at Cape Cod? Do you remember one night in the dining room there was this young naval officer and he was sitting near our table with two other officers? (pause) The waiter brought him a message, at which point he left. Nothing rings a bell? Well, I first saw him that morning in the lobby. He was checking into hotel and he was following the bellboy with his luggage to the elevator. He glanced at me as he walked past. Just a glance. Nothing more. But I could hardly... move. That afternoon, Helena went to the movies with her friend and you and I made love. And we made plans about our future and we talked about Helena. And yet, at no time, was he ever out of my mind. And I thought if he wanted me, even if it was only for one night, I was ready to give up everything. You. Helena. My whole fucking future. Everything. And yet was weird, because at the same time, you were dearer to me than ever. And at that moment, my love for you was both tender and sad. I barely slept that night and I woke up next morning in a panic. I didn't know whether I was afraid that he had left or that he might still be there. (Nicole Kidman as Alice Harford in Stanley Kubrick's disturbing masterpiece Eyes Wide Shut/1999)